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Millions invested and high level of recruitment three years running at Alpro

Investing in a green future: Alpro is a frontrunner in the field of CO2 reduction with a scientific basis. Ghent, 2 June 2016 – The European food company Alpro is witnessing the market for plant-based drinks and food products grow steadily year after year. As the company is experiencing continued growth, it confirmed a further investment of no less than €115 million in 2016. Around 160 new jobs will also be created. This comes after considerable investments were already made in 2015, when 200 extra employees were hired. Alpro moreover demonstrates that these strong growth figures go hand in hand with sustainability. As a member of the WWF Climate Savers Programme, the company is setting itself strict targets with a scientific basis for CO2 reduction by 2020.

Millions of euros invested and significant expansion underway

The sale of plant-based drinks and food products is clearly on the rise. Since the expansion of the existing range of soya-based drinks and food products in 2012 with the launch of almond and hazelnut plant-based drinks, Alpro has already invested €155 million in new production lines and further expansion of the product range.

Following an investment of €80 million in 2015, the food company plans to invest several million more in 2016. The investment will entail €115 million, €80 million of which in Belgium. ‘We are investing in new production lines, in new packaging lines, in the construction of a fully automated warehouse and in other logistics improvements. This will enable us to increase total production capacity by 25%’, explains Bernard Deryckere, CEO of Alpro.

Workforce has increased by 80%

Alpro’s workforce has grown considerably in recent years. In 2015, 200 extra employees were hired, most of which in Belgium. In 2016, another 160 new employees were recruited, 130 of which in Belgium, chiefly in production, sales and marketing. Overall, the workforce increased by no less than 80% between 2012 and 2016. By the end of 2016, the various sites will employ a total workforce of 1,270.

‘We’re very proud that for the third year running in Belgium we can offer 130 extra people a good job in a company that continues to innovate and is a frontrunner in the field of delicious plant-based food. It’s a privilege to be able to say that thanks to our exponential growth, year after year, we have been able to hire educated and passionate staff members who care about healthy food and sustainable development. We’re investing in a green future’ adds Bernard Deryckere.

Shared value: alongside economic growth, added value for society

As a growing company, Alpro understands the risks of climate change and displays its leadership on this topic as one of the first companies in the world to set its objectives for CO2 reduction, on a scientific basis, in terms of the company’s own energy emissions. These objectives with a scientific basis were developed and approved by the WWF in their Climate Savers Programme. Through these objectives Alpro is committed to lowering its CO2 emissions by 26% CO2 per kilo of product between 2010 and 2020. The company is also committed to working with the WWF in order to draw up ambitious objectives for emissions in the value chain regarding ingredients and packaging.

Alpro’s plant-based products have a lower environmental impact in terms of land, water and CO2 than the animal alternatives. With the sale and consumption of its Alpro Soya Original drink as an alternative to cow’s milk, Alpro has - together with its consumers - saved 45,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions in 2015.

‘Alpro’s ambitious lowering of direct emissions is in line with the worldwide plan to limit global warming to less than 2°C. By sharpening the targets it has set, Alpro shows us once again that as company, it can do business very sustainably and still continue to grow. We are thrilled that Alpro’s vision and strategy is 100% in line with the WWF’s vision. With the way in which Alpro works and the product that the company offers we can see that Alpro pursues not only economic growth, but also added value for society,’ explains Milan Kooijman, WWF Climate Savers Coordinator.

For the press:

Alpro - Ann De Jaeger, VP Corporate Communications - tel. +32 475 20 13 44 - +32 9 260 21 09 –